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A: Mary, I'm planning a trip to Chicago and Denver, with Los Angeles as a final destination. I'd like you to make the necessary arrangements for me.
B: Certainly, sir. How would you like to go?
A: I'd like to go by train from here to Chicago and spend two days there. Then I'd like to fly to Denver for a stay of two nights. I want to go on to Los Angeles by plane for an indefinite stay of three or four days.
B: I'll get in touch with the railroad and airline passenger representations immediately. Do you still want a bedroom?
A: Yes. And please make sure the train has a club car and a dinner.
B: When do you plan to leave?
A: I expect to depart for Chicago on Monday, May 6th, any time after 12:00 pm. I'll spend the evening of the 6th and all day the 7th there. I'll leave on the 8th, on either a late afternoon or an early evening flight for Denver. I want to be in Denver all day May 9th. I plan to leave for Los Angeles on an early morning flight on the 10th. Please book an open return flight from Los Angeles to New York.
B: Will you fly first class as usual, sir? And where shall I make hotel reservation?
B: Yes, first class. I've been quite satisfied with the hotels I've used as lodging before in these cites. Please make reservation for me at those places. Get all the information together, and please report back to me as soon as possible.
Devin - Jieyou Translation Practical English

[来源:原创] [作者:admin] [日期:11-06-20] [热度:]